FarmVille Cheats Guide- By: Margot Oliver

Description : How to Plow Fields in FarmVille

We will first begin with plowing fields in FarmVille. You must plow fields before you can plant fields. To plow a field, select the hoe in your toolbar at the bottom of your game. Select it by clicking it. Then click somewhere on your farm to plow a field. When the square turns green, that means you are ready to plow. If the square is red, you can't plow in that area. Click your mouse to plow a field, then move over a bit and click your mouse again to plow another field. Continue doing this until you have all of your fields plowed.

How to Plant Crops in FarmVille

Now that you have plowed you some fields, you are ready to start planting. Since you are just starting out, you will not have much money to spend, so be careful when selecting a crop to plant. To select a crop, click the Market icon in the toolbar. When the box pops up, you will need to click the Seeds icon at the top of the box. That will load your seeds and you can use the arrows to navigate through the different seeds. To select a seed, click the seed of your choice. Once you click the seed, the box will close and you will be returned to your farm. To plant a field, click the field with your mouse. Then go to the next field and click it to plant another field. You don't have to plant the fields all the same. You can go back to the Market and select another type of seed. Also, when you are planting, you don't have to wait for your player to get there and the progress bar to load before you can move on. You can click, click, click, and the player will catch up later.

How to Harvest Fields in FarmVille

When your fields are ready to be harvested, you will need to select the harvesting tool from your toolbar. The harvesting tool is the arrow. Click the arrow and then click the field you want to harvest. Once you harvest a field, you will automatically be given the money for that field.

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